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Package Curtain

The Package Curtain. It’s cheaper than the traditional curtain because it is less necessary the material and the time for confection.   Package Curtain.
It does not need free lateral space because the burlap is bundled up towards the top: the space has to be previewed between the end of the locking and the ceiling in order to contain the mechanical part and the collection of the fabric (it would be enough a space equivalent to the 10 percent of the curtain’s length). It is curtain suitable for an easy furnishing or for those of “plain” tone or “in style”.
 When it is destined to a “formal” room, it would be better to choose a crease-resisting material, so that can return in a good state after having been collected to ceiling. The assembly and the disassembly are very easy and fast because the cloth is usually fixed with an adhesive hinge.

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